I was busy that day so my dad did some work and I did help with hanging the boards on the wall.
We decided to buy 2 more bags of R12 insulation, that should be all that's needed to finish off the basement.
Cost: 2 bags of R12 $80
Time: 1 x 3, 1x6 total 9 hrs.
October 30
Drywalling continued, we managed to finish majority of future media room, nothing unusual or hard about this job except cutting out where outlets will be. Measuring with the board not yet up wasn't working out as when the board is moved around you end up with opening in different spot then needed.
Option that seemed to work is to make a small opening to pull cables through and before the drywall is fully secured using small drywall hand saw and knife which is pretty time consuming.
Time: 2 x 9 hrs total 18 hrs
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