Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 14 Framing wall #2 and #3

Putting up the moisture barrier didn't take too much time or difficulty. This time instead of construction epoxy to hold it against the concrete wall, moisture barrier epoxy was used. 
For one it's much cheaper (about $6 for big tube) and it states that it never dries.
Things would have moved faster but putting the top plates we ran into couple problems that did slow down the progress but all together it was about 10 hrs to complete (that includes few breaks ;) )

Time spent: 10 hrs
Cost: ~ $150 (included 2x4, roll of moisture barrier paper, tape, and 100 pack of concrete screws.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

End of April - May 12 Cracks LTD continues

After framing the first wall and running out of product to finish remaining cracks in foundation I took a bit of a break. After another kit came I worked on them randomly and they became bit easier to work in.
May 12 was the last day for foundation repairs.
Total structural cracked fixed: 12
Leaking or showing moisture signs our of 12: 4
Total cost of kit: ~$1,000
Saved: ~ $4,000 (after the cost of kit as per quote from crack doctor, (average is $500 per crack they charge)
Time spent: Hard to say, I'd say average is 3 hrs/crack not including time for epoxy to dry.(Total of about:36 hrs)

Other option was to dig out foundation around the house and water proof but that cost is about in range of $10,000 depending on the size of the lot and access.

Finally .... Foundation all done.